Clinical studies have proved that regular exercise, proper nutrition, enough sleep play an important role in our physical well-being. As we grow older our mental and emotional wellbeing is supported and can dramatically improve with regular interaction with other people.

At Family Nest Care we understand that loneliness can be a major factor as we enter the Senior phase of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be. Our goal is to offer companionship services that are blended with being there for you, integrating activities that will allow you to choose activities that will help your mental and physical state.

Step 1: Daily Evaluation for “Clean Record”

Our Family Nest Care app provides us and you a complete “Clean Record” questionnaire when clocking in, or during check in for their shift reminder.

  • Are you experiencing a fever of greater than 100.0°F, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headaches, chills or any other symptom of COVID-19?
  • Have you been exposed to an individual without source controls that has tested positive for COVID-19 or has been experiencing the symptoms above within the last 14-18 days?
  • Have you been exposed within the last 14-18 days without source controls to some one that has traveled abroad or to a high-risk area?
Step 2: Employee Screening by Office Staff

In addition to this automated evaluation, our office staff will randomly reach out to a specific number of employees per day to receive verbal acknowledgement to the same questions outlined in Step 1 in addition to:

  • Are you using source controls when working with your clients?
  • Office staff will remind employees of our policy that should they need to remove their mask at any time during their shift, they must practice physical distancing from their client, perform hand hygiene, and disinfect high-touch surfaces.
  • Do you need any additional PPE? Free PPE is available to all employees at the office for pick up.
Step 3: In-Person Screenings

Client Care Coordinators or our Super Star Caregivers will be dispatched into the field or use scheduled in-person Quality Assurance visits to confirm use of PPE, perform a temperature screening, confirm that the employee is not experiencing symptoms and offer additional PPE if needed.

Step 4: COVID-19 Testing

Family Nest Care also randomly screen at least 30% of our employees on a monthly basis to assess the efficacy of our current COVID-19 policies and procedures.

Step 5: RAPID In Home Screening

Family Nest Care provides all our Caregivers with in-home Rapid in-home screening tests, to keep themselves and their families safe

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